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Display a CSV File in a GridView on an ASP.Net page

Private Sub _Default_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

    ' declare a new GridView
    Dim csvGrid As New GridView()

    ' add GridView to page

    ' declare csv parser passing in path to file
    Using csvData = New CsvReader(Server.MapPath("products.csv"))

        ' set GridView to use DataTable returned from parser as the source
        ' for it's data. True is passed in to signify that file contains a
        ' header row which will name returned DataColumn's based on values
        ' read in from header row.
        csvGrid.DataSource = csvData.ReadToEnd(True)

    End Using ' dispose of parser

    ' tell GridView to create display based on values from DataSource

End Sub