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CsvReader Properties

The CsvReader type exposes the following members.

Public propertyColumnCount
The count of columns found in the current record.
Public propertyCurrentRecord
The index of the current record.
(Inherited from ReaderBase.)
Public propertyHeaderCount
Public propertyHeaders
Returns the header values as a string array.
Public propertyItemInt32
Returns the current column value for a given column index.
(Inherited from ReaderBase.)
Public propertyItemString
Returns the current column value corresponding to the headerName.
Public propertyRawRecord
Returns the text of the current record as it existed before parsing.
Public propertySettings
Has all the options that are able to be set that will affect the way records are parsed and accessed.
Public propertyValues
Returns the columns values for the current record as a string array.
(Inherited from ReaderBase.)
See Also